NIPT Illumina VeriSeq v2

The Illumina VeriSeq v2 prenatal test is a new non-invasive prenatal screening test (NIPT) which can be performed from 10 weeks gestation.

What is the Illumina VeriSeq v2 test?

Illumina VeriSeq v2 is a non-invasive blood test that screens for specific chromosome conditions in a pregnancy as early as 10 weeks gestation.

When you are pregnant, your blood contains tiny amounts of your baby’s DNA ( cell free fetal DNA). This prenatal test looks at this DNA to provide accurate information about the likelihood for the most common chromosome conditions such as Down Syndrome (trisomy 21), trisomy 18, and trisomy 13.

The test is a simple blood test taken from the mother which is then analysed for fetal cell-free DNA (cfDNA). cfDNA is the result of the natural breakdown of fetal cells and can be found in the mother’s blood.

You can test the mother’s blood to identify:

  • 99.9% of babies with Down syndrome (Trisomy 21)
  • 99.9% of babies with Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18)
  • 99.9% of babies with Patau’s syndrome (Trisomy 13).


The eligibility criteria has changed therefore please could you let us know prior to your appointment if you are aware that you have any of the following:

  1. Recent maternal blood transfusion
  2. Maternal mosaicism
  3. Maternal prior organ transplant/stem cell transplant
  4. Maternal copy number variations
  5. Maternal autoimmune disease
  6. Fetoplacental mosaicism/confined placental mosaicism
  7. Maternal neoplasms (benign and malignant)
  8. Pregnancies with fetal demise/vanishing twin

Why choose Illumina VeriSeq v2?

The Illumina VeriSeq v2 test is now one of the most predictive and accurate non-invasive tests available to predict the chance of your baby having a chromosomal abnormality.

A high probability result does not mean your baby definitely has a chromosomal abnormality, although it is highly likely. For this reason, an invasive procedure such amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) would be recommended following a high probability Illumina VeriSeq v2 result.

Current screening tests (Nuchal Translucency scan) have a false positive rate (that is, the results suggest a problem when the baby is in fact healthy) of around 4%. This NIPT test, however, has a false positive rate of 0.1%.

Illumina VeriSeq v2 it is much more accurate than first trimester blood screening and ultrasound tests

If the test result shows a high probability result, Babyvision will be able to contact your local hospital to arrange any follow up care and discuss further options.

How is the test performed?

One of our qualified and experienced sonographers will perform an ultrasound scan prior to your blood test. During this scan the sonographer will check and show you your baby’s heartbeat. The Sonographer will also need to check you are at the correct gestation (over 10 weeks). Unfortunately, if you are not over 10 weeks we will be unable to perform the Illumina VeriSeq v2 test until you are. This is because there is only enough fetal cfDNA after 10 weeks to perform the test.

Following your scan, the sonographer will discuss the rest of the procedure with you, which includes a blood test. Throughout, you are welcome to ask any questions relating to the test. If you wish to proceed, the sonographer will take your blood sample.

Your blood sample will be packaged and sent to the laboratory based in London.

Collections from our clinic are taken by Royal Mail are at 9.00am, so your sample will be sent the day after you have had your bloods taken – you are welcome to take you pack to a Post Office with a later collection time if you wish. If you have your test on a Saturday, your sample will leave on Monday morning.

Can I find out the gender of my baby?

The purpose of the Illumina VeriSeq v2 test is primarily for the detection of Trisomy 21, 18 and 13. However, you can request X and Y analysis providing over 99% accuracy for your baby’s gender.

This option is also available for twin pregnancies. A female result for a twin pregnancy will apply to both babies, a male result will apply to either one or both babies.

Sex Chromosome conditions

The Illumina VeriSeq v2 test can also assess the risk of sex chromosome conditions XXX, XYY, XXY and a missing X chromosome in a girl (Turner Syndrome). The sonographer will discuss this option with you at your appointment to determine whether requesting the risk of sex chromosome conditions is right for you. Please note, this option is not available for twin pregnancies.

What is the cost of the Illumina VeriSeq v2 test?

The total cost, inclusive of your scan, consultation, blood test and laboratory fees – £340

If we are unable to continue with the NIPT test, for example if your pregnancy is not continuing as expected and we are unable to proceed with the test, a charge for an Early pregnancy scan will be made – £70

Cost: £270

20 mins

Cost: £340

40 mins

When do I get my results?

The results are typically available in 5 working days from receipt of the sample in the laboratory in London.

There is a 2% chance there is insufficient fetal DNA in the sample to provide a result. In this case we will happily provide you with a second blood test at no extra charge. If the test is unsuccessful and we are unable to provide you with a result, a partial refund will be made of £180.

As soon as Babyvision receives your results, you will be contacted by telephone and we will discuss the results with you. We will also post a paper copy of results will to you.

What do I do after the test?

If you have a low risk result you should still attend your 12 week NHS scan and advise that the NIPT test has been performed.

If you have a high risk result we will inform your booking hospital and arrange a referral for further testing.

Are there any problems this test will not detect?

Yes – structural abnormalities, for example Spina Bifida and heart defects, cannot be detected with the Illumina VeriSeq v2 test. We recommend you attend your 12 and 20 week scans (plus any additional scans which may be arranged for you by your hospital), and tell your healthcare professional you have had an NIPT test.

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