Confirmation/Viability scan
From the moment you take a positive pregnancy test, you will want to know if your pregnancy is viable.

At Babyvision, we know how the early stages of your pregnancy can be a worrying time, and you may wish to check baby’s heartbeat prior to your 12 week NHS scan. This may be because you are anxious, or you may have experienced a previous miscarriage, or have a close friend or relative that has.
At Babyvision, we can offer you a Viability scan from as early as 6 weeks, up until 15 weeks, performed by our fully qualified and regulated staff with years of experience in early pregnancy scanning. We will check and show you your baby’s heartbeat, and also check the health of your baby is as expected for the gestation. We can provide you with estimated due date by measuring the length of your baby by the crown rump length (CRL), and from this measurement we can accurately date your pregnancy to +/- 5-7 days. We will also check for the number of babies.
Our qualified, experienced staff will ensure you have full understanding of your Viability scan and provide you with all necessary information on your next steps.
If the pregnancy is not continuing as we expect our kind compassionate staff will give you the time and support you need and arrange a referral to your local early pregnancy for continuing care.
During your Viability scan, one of our qualified and experienced sonographers will:
- Check on your baby’s heartbeat
- Take a measurement of your baby’s CRL (Crown to Rump Length)
- Check the position of your baby (in the uterus)
- Check for multiple pregnancies
- Provide you with printed pictures of your baby
- Write a medical report, of which you will be provided with a copy.

Glowing reviews
The location is stunning and calming, the environment inside matches the location, there are comfy sofas while you wait and Jean was able to calm our nerves while waiting with knowledge and support.
Whilst inside the scan room Kelly was fantastic with her explanations and reassurance throughout the scan. Again, her knowledge and support was invaluable to first time parents such as ourselves.
I honestly couldn't recommend Babyvision enough!
Such a beautiful and welcoming location too! I would just like to say a massive thank you to the wonderful women who work here!!
*trigger warning*
I had a heavy bleed at 11 weeks, rushed to A&E and was unpleasantly told to ‘go home and let nature take its course’. I rang Baby Vision on the same day and those kind and caring women comforted both my partner and I and then offered to book us in for an emergency scan over their lunch break! The support we were given and kindness that we were shown were unparalleled and I can’t thank them enough for easing our mind and showing us our beautiful baby, when we were so scared that we’d lost him.
I’m now 20 weeks and expecting a little boy in July ❤️
If you are looking for a follicular tracking clinic this is it. At very affordable prices and in a beautiful location you will be taken care of and put at ease. Now that I am pregnant I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else to track my baby’s development.
Thank you both for all the care and attention given to us.
- Pat
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Thank you again to the staff for making us feel so safe and welcome during our visit, we really appreciate it.
Thank you again to the staff for making us feel so safe and welcome during our visit, we really appreciate it.